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Nicole Comer

Actress, Writer & Acting Coach
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Thank you for checking out my website.


I'm an actress, writer and acting coach in Los Angeles, California.


My path has taken me on many journeys and I welcome each and every lesson.

There are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything on my list, so I have occassionally taken what I like to call a "writing hiatus". 

My life often involved helping others reach their goals and dreams and I'm trying to get better at saying no and taking care of my own goals too. 

At the same time, I believe if you have some knowledge & skills to help others, you should follow that path as well.


It's a balancing act for sure.


And I am a work in progress.

Please be sure to check out my books, blog and tshirt shop (links on this site)


Break A Leg!



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